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Original Message:  Re:…And A Fetish Is Born? (Image Link Enclosed)
Re : …And A Fetish Is Born? (Image Link Enclosed) -- vesperae
Posted by smokelove , Jan 15,2007,11:11 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Hi Vesperae.
I actually think what you are doing there is quite artistic. It is about contradiction; and makes you think.

I don't personally share the lung damage kick. Howver each to their own! I am afraid to say that the health risks are way over exagerated!
Um yes I do work on the fringes of medicine.
It does have bad effects but there are many other contributing factors.

However the notion of cancer is nothing new as being sexy.It doesn't fit with modern health fascism, but certainly Victorian gothic culture flirted with death and cancer being sexy. Gave us enduring cultural icons expressed through Vampires etc. Then there is the whole cult now of suicide girls.

I had a girl once who was into all that stuff and yes she liked the idea that she had given herself to smoking, and her fantasy sex play involved that. And she would become deeply aroused. I had to watch her biting habit though!
She would want me to say "make me a smoker" even though she already smoked. And she would moan when I smoke kissed her. I think this is quite common among girls actually; the idea of being possessed by something evil.To her nicotine thrills were like some vampiric poison in her blood. She would have been right up your street!

Not really my scene though!

My mother is very fit, and her boyfriend currently is a doctor, and he smokes too. Neither seem overly bothered by health risks or are showing any signs touch wood to their health.

Yes your new pic is good. I can identify with it and what you are saying. My mother always worked in boutiques and perfume counters and was surrounded by girls who looked up to her for fashion advice, so I was yes, very proud of her. She always also had lots of men paying her attention, and my school friends used to like coming around to see her.
She used to give one of my year older friends cigarettes and he used to call when he knew I wasn't there. Coming home to find them smoking together in the kitchen used to make me part jealous part proud that he and other boys at school fancied her. But then I would always tease him back by accepting my mother's offer to join them in a cigarette by giving my mom a kiss and cuddle which, although there was a flirt going on between them, he could not. I would take my mother's lit cigarette and smoke that, and light her another.
So this kid will grow up feeling proud of his mom being centre of attention as a style and glamour icon. Smoking will be a part of that.
He may equally not grow up with a smoking fetish, but some part of her sexuality will be programmed on him as being sexy for sure, as he will realise soon enough his mother is sexually attractive to others. We can't all have frumpy moms!

Thanks for the contribution and keep up the art.

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