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…And A Fetish Is Born? (Image Link Enclosed)

Re :
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:mothers -- smokelove
Posted by vesperae , Jan 13,2007,15:11 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Hi SmokeLove,

While I have never entertained any fantasies about my own mother (although I certainly have no criticism of you for feeling this way, since I agree that it isn’t your “fault”), I was certainly caught off guard by how unexpectedly interested I was in this anecdote about Nikki McKibbin and her son that you linked above.

I also have never watched or cared about American Idol, but the thought of this combination of events – seeing Mommy as a “star”, being put in the role of being “her assistant”, being asked to hold her cigarette so that she can give her full attention to her fans, combined with the fact that I’m sure that she always cultivates a sexy youthful rock star look whenever she is out in public, and this is all being seen through the eyes of a four year old – wow, indeed! If this sort of thing is commonplace in his daily life, you have to wonder if he doesn’t have an excellent chance of developing a sexual response to smoking at some point in the future!

I couldn’t resist blending the source material you linked to try to visually represent these ideas. Hope that you find this to your liking:

If you like this image, you might enjoy some of my other work, which can be found in my forum’s image archive.

Thank you for the links, and for your comments!



* * * * *vesperae

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