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Original Message:  Re:Weird smoking Fetish!
Re : Weird smoking Fetish! -- Anon
Posted by Nick , Aug 14,2002,19:10 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

You can take comfort in the fact that I have a similar fetish. I have posted here a lot, and there are several ways my fetish manifests itself. One way is the odor of a cigarette (certain odors). My particular fetish (in addition to a major nostril exhale fetish) is with rich tobacco odors, and I have often found that kind of smell in linens, curtains, etc. If it smells rich or sweet, it turns me on. My former girlfriend smoked Merits, and for some reason her smoke was so rich it made me excited. I used to love Lark smokers (no longer around) since it had a sweet smell. Anyway, I get turned-on by rich smokey smells, and linens, drapes, etc. often are a source. It's funny, because some brands (like Marlboro lights) smell stinky, while others smell rich and dreamy. Does anybody relate to the rich smell fetish?

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