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Original Message:  Re:Women smoking while getting their hair cut!
Re : Women smoking while getting their hair cut! -- mikestillsmokes
Posted by PaulMall , Mar 31,2007,00:10 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

As far as I know I'm still the one and only member of the Salon Smokers Society. Since I was 12 I have loved the sensual alegance of women pampering themselves, just being ladies, sitting under the dryer with a a look of pleasure as they blow while being blow drey.

It started at the suburban salon, where my Mum had sent me for a haircut. But oh man, I ended up with so much more that a trim. When I arrived, there were a trio of glamorous women all sitting their under the hood, indulgently inhaling. Well, it was love at first sight for me, especially because as an even younger kid, my heavy smoking aunty would wash my hair and then get me to sit under her retro dryer. So, at the mere age of 12, I took the bull by the horns and asked Judy the hairdresser, who I later got to know quite well, if it would be ok for me to join the gals for a dryer session. I guess she was a little taken back, but soon came to appreciaterthe kinky request.

So there I was, a curious wee boy, sharing the seductive smoking salon. Fantastical as it might seem, it got even better. One of the trio of dryer ladies saw me watching her smoke her second Winfield Menthol, and invitingly offered me the packet, with a smpke ready to take.

My heart was beating, my penis was hard, I was scared, but not enough to outweigh my excitement. And at that moment, that femme fatale lit up my life. And to this day, 24 years later,and with the occasional involvement of fine femal comany, I still indulge in my passion for puffing under the dryer. One day I want to become a hairdresser and open a parlour of passion and puffing. Love P

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