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Original Message:  Re:Re:Babysitting
Re : Re:Babysitting -- Karlin
Posted by smokelove , Feb 06,2007,11:58 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Yes it is worh remebering how normal it was once considered to smoke around kids. This reminds me of one famous incident, especaily for all you guys who were once trapped in cars with sexy smoking mothers, aunts nannies etc.
Read about it here:

I mean it was THAT resepectable that the Royal Nanny did it! Now we live in such strange times that it is considered by some as bordering on child abuse. Crazy situation ; crazy times.
There was actualy a famous photo of Tiggy in a fur coat smoking in the car at one point in every national newspaper. If anyone has it it would be nice to see again.

Tiggy is still a guiding force for good in the life of the young royals who apparently idolise her;

So this peculiar disdain that society is taking up towards smokers around kids is perverse; not vice versa.

Tiggy is a very very attractive lady I may add:

And not disimilar looking to one of the royal princes current girlfriends. Wonder if she smokes too...answer:

So there you go; like babysitter/nanny like ward. And nothing wrong with it either. Normal part of growing up to idolise someone...and if they smoke you will want to, and have a partner that does. Far more evil is to try to engineer a society that finds that immoral.

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