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Original Message:  Re:Babysitting
Re : Babysitting -- Sindey
Posted by Jimmy , Feb 05,2007,13:08 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

My wife and I work goofy times, so we have a live in babysitter. I do not smoke, my wife is a heavy smoker, Misty 120's. Our babysitter is an older woman, around 50, and she is also a very heavy smoker. My wife allows smoking in our house, it couldn't be any other way. The babysitter has her own living space in our very large house, so when she is not watching the kids she keeps to herself, and can come and go as she pleases. I provide her with a mini van that she can use to take the kids to where ever they need to be, and she smokes in the van with the kids. The one thing she is not allowed to do is spank the kids, she can yell at them but no hitting, my wife does that when needed. My kids both have breathing problems and are always sick, I am too as a matter of fact. I have tried to get my wife to smoke in the garage or in the babysitters space, but that is like fighting a loosing battle. My wife says there are three major requirements in her life and in this order, cigarettes, food, and water. Cigarettes are her life, she lives to smoke, and she even has taken a job where she can smoke all day without anyone nagging her about it. The babysitter smokes Newport 100's, about 2 1/2 packs a day, and she has smoked for about 26 years. She has that nasty cough, and that raspy laugh and voice, and has smoked Newports all her life. The only reason she is around she is super with the kids, and have never had a complaint from them that she is mean, so that's why she is still around.

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