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Original Message:  Re:Rush Hour Smokers
Re : Rush Hour Smokers -- Billy
Posted by Billy , Feb 21,2006,12:28 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Well here is an update, we both had Monday off, so this morning as usual Jessica was parked in her usual spot, puffing away. With last weeks cold spell over for now she might not have car problems for a while. Friday night when we got off the train we walked to the lot together, her naturally smoking. She got in her car, cigarette dangling from her lips and she immediately started pumping the gas pedal, I suggested to her not to pump it to much, thats how she flooded it the other day, so she turned the key and contiued pumping while looking at me, and to both of our suprise, after turning over for about 30 seconds it started. She was all smiles. After I started my car to let it warm up she motioned me to come sit with her. She cleared all the junk from the front seat, but her car is still a total mess. Ever get in a smokers car when it is really cold out, the smell of cigarette smoke is so strong. Well she sat there reving the engine so it would not die, and she lit another cigarette. I could tell she was really having a nicotine fit, the way she would inhale and hold it for so long was unbelievable. She wanted me to come over to her place tonight. I told her ok. So I got out and followed her to her place. On the way I could faintly see that she smoked all the way home. When we go to her place, she got out of her car with a freshly lit cig in her mouth. I thought gee that was the fifth cigarette she has had since getting off the train 20 minutes ago.
I have really never been in her place. When I walked the smell of stale cigarette smoke hit you in the face, in every room there were full ashtrays. In the living room on her coffee table was one of the largest ashtrays I have ever seen, this thing must have been a foot square. I said something about it and she said she made that in a ceramics class years ago. This ashtray looked as if it had not been emptied in 6 months, there litterly had to be over a thousand butts in it, with room for more. Jessica was not the best house keeper, and basically she is a slob. She changed clothes and sat next to me on her couch. She lit another cigarette, and then out of know where she planted a smokey kiss on my lips. She asked if I liked it, and I was kind of gaging, but said yeah do it again, this time she took a long deep drag and then kissed me again. my god I thought I was going to blow my wad right then. Well I could tell she was really horny, so she led me to her room, and what happened next was out of this world. You can tell when a woman has not been f*(ked in along time, and she was one of them. She smoked the entire time we made love.
Well when we were done she was out of breath, but still had it in her to smoke even more. When it was all said and done I think within a 3 hour period she smoked a pack, and started another.
I went to her kitchen to get something to eat, and noticed that she had a little stock pile of cigarettes. In a cabinet there were 5 cartons of Marlboro Light 100's I said to her that was a lot of money up in there, she told me that she was running low and had to make a run, I asked where, she said Kentucky, they are really cheap down there, and I load up every so often, I asked how much do you get down there, and she told me she has to go to a couple of places because she does not want to get caught, but she said last trip she brought back 25 cartons. I asked where she gets the money, and she replied dont worry about it, I have a good job. I asked when she was down there last and she told me about 3 weeks ago. I said you smoked 20 cartons in just 3 weeks? she said yep, aint I bad? I come to find out that she is not a 2 pack a day smoker , but more like a 3 to 4 pack a day smoker. She asked if I wanted to make a trip with her this weekend, that we would take her Corvette and be down there in no time at all. I said OK.
More to come!

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