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Re :
Babysitting -- Sindey
Posted by Bone , Feb 02,2007,22:06 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Back many years ago I went to pick up my date who as it turned out was a very strict smoking mom of a boy 8 and girl 6 and she used a leather belt on both of them often (which I seen and heard later from hanging out at her trailer) I arrived before the babysitter she had arranged for our date and we were waiting on her getting to her trailer. I forget her name she was one of Maggie's friends daughters probably 15 or 16. She finally showed up carrying a box of Marlboro Reds in her hand (I did not see her smoke at that time) anyhow after some small talk from Maggie to her youngsters to behave for her and said to the girl "If they don't mind you let me know and I'll bust their tails" I knew what "bust thier tails" mean't from the almost year of my life I wasted on dating her.

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