Smoking Fetish-Phone!
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Posted by Rusty , Apr 22,2000,18:01 Post Reply    Forum

While on a recent trip to Mexico I had a great sighting. I was in a bar and in walks a beautiful Mexican girl with three guys. They sat at a table about 15 feet away from me. I glanced over at the table a few minutes later and noticed a pack of cigarettes on the table. Ofcourse I was hoping to see her smoke, but I was not holding my breath due to the fact that most girls who live in Mexico do not smoke and this one had a particularily innocent look to her. After what seemed like hours (actually it was probably only 10 or 15 minutes) one of the guys pulled a cig out of the pack and lit it. I then was thrilled to see him offer one to the girl who smiled happily and accepted it. Unfortuneately the guy lit the cigarette and handed it to the girl so I did not get to see the all important light up however I did get to watch her smoke. She took deep, full inhales and held the all white cigarette in a sexy and confident manner. Memories of this bonita seniorita will stay with me for a long time!!

