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Re:Ashleigh Banfield

Re :
Ashleigh Banfield -- luv2csmoke
Posted by luv2csmoke , Apr 20,2002,15:18 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

I don't think the shot of Ashleigh Banfield enjoying her cigarette ever appeared on MSNBC. What it looks like to me is that it was taken from the satelite feed that was sending it from the location back to MSNBC. It was once common to see this feed on home satelites and it was not unusual to see things like smoking, eating or candid conversations. As more people had accesss to these feeds the networks have tended to keep them "dark" when they are not actually "on the air" so that things like cigarette smokeing are not seen by the public. But in this case it looks like the feed went out "hot" so the public must have been treated to watching Ashleigh Banfield smoke her cigarette either during a commercial break, or while waiting to have her show go on, or while waiting to tape a spot or segment. I seriously doubt that MSNBC would allow anyone to smoke a cigarette on the air, it is just too politically incorrect these days. But whatever the source I really enjoy the photo and I'm comforted knowing she is a cigarette smoker.

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